Professional development in literacy tailored to the needs of your school. Specializing in English Language Learners, Balanced Literacy, Reading Workshop, Guided Reading, Shared Reading and Running Records. Elementary Pre-K-5
Professional development in literacy tailored to the needs of your school. Specializing in English Language Learners, Balanced Literacy, Reading Workshop, Guided Reading, Shared Reading and Running Records. Elementary Pre-K-5
“Enid was able to effectively meet the needs of each teacher and individualize her instruction
so that each teacher experienced success.”
I have been working with Enid Martinez for the last eight years in both Hawaii and Texas. Her work is exceptional. She is an expert in the field of primary reading and is exceptionally skilled at connecting with teachers. She has a way of beginning a conversation and using the information from that conversation to meet teachers exactly where they are in the learning process. Implicit in her work with teachers is the expectation that they will try some of the strategies out with their students so she is there to coach and scaffold before they do it on their own. Teachers are so pleased with their learning when Enid is guiding them!
Ms. Martinez’s knowledge and expertise in the area of literacy had a profound impact on me as a new teacher. It gave me the confidence that I needed to deliver lessons that were age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, and most importantly, grounded in research. Her high level of professionalism when providing feedback to adult learners is both empowering and encouraging.
I have known Enid for over ten years, first as a teacher sitting in her professional development sessions at Teachers College and now, as an Instructional Coach learning how Enid works her magic, supporting and inspiring teachers to try new strategies and to reflect on their instructional practices. Enid has a true gift and knowledge of literacy that helps teachers build an understanding and foundation of what the real meaning of reading is all about!
When I grow up, I want to be Enid.
I began working with Enid in 2009 after joining the administrative team at a high poverty, high ELL, Title I elementary school. Thanks to Enid’s work with our teachers, the literacy instruction was amazing across all grade levels. The school was ultimately identified as a lab site for teachers at other schools in the district to visit. I have since moved to two very different schools. I made sure to bring Enid and her work to each. As a result, both schools have fully implemented the workshop model for literacy instruction. The quality of instructional practice improved beyond my expectations and we have subsequently seen incredible increases in student performance. Enid’s professional development is a game changer for any school!
At Colegio Menor Campus Quito we have had Enid Martinez for two consecutive years for in-service Professional Development. I have three words to describe her PDs: in-depth, proactive and powerful training. Teachers have the opportunity to learn reading and writing best practices, observe Enid teaching, then debrief and practice what was learned. Could PD get any better?”
Enid has been providing professional development for our school for three years now. Our school is 86% English language learners. Enid has provided valuable resources, ideas and practices in order to help our teachers support our English learners and raise the level of our reading instruction over all. Enid is a natural facilitator and knows how to read a room. She makes everyone feel comfortable and valued no matter what their professional background may be. She provides the research behind the practices we learn. Enid has taken us through the process of administering, scoring and analyzing running records. She showed us how to integrate shared reading and read aloud in order to meet the needs of the students in our classes based on the data we collected. Enid showed us how to raise the level of our guided reading practices. She is exceptional in making sure the learning transfers. Enid sets up our time together by allowing teachers time to practice what was studied and gives immediate feedback. After every session with Enid our teachers feel invigorated, inspired and equipped to raise the level of their practices. I look forward to our time together. Quality professional development keeps me going. I have been attending professional development for over thirty years now and my experiences with Enid have been the best! Don’t miss an opportunity to work with Enid Martinez! Your students and teachers will see results and enjoy the process!
Enid's work with our teachers was grounded in the following areas: know your students, know your materials, and know best practices. She deftly took our teachers through the process of determining what strategic actions students were currently using, and in which ones they continued to need support. Teachers learned to become active decision makers in the texts and components of balanced literacy that would best offer practice and develop independence. All the while, Enid coached teachers with professionalism, encouragement and confidence.
The Reading and Literacy coaching that Enid Martinez provided to our school was instrumental in the design of our comprehensive balanced literacy program. Beginning in 2010, Ms. Martinez worked with our staff, Kindergarten through sixth grade, coaching our teachers on how to best incorporate literacy components such as reading workshop mini lessons, small group work, differentiated strategy lessons, student conferring, read aloud protocols, data driven assessment, and individualized word work. Ms. Martinez is an incredibly knowledgeable educator. She was able to effectively meet the needs of each teacher and individualize her instruction so that each teacher experienced success. Our school was very lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from such an expert in the field of reading and literacy.
Over the past 10 years I have had the privilege top work with Enid at several school sites and through district professional learning opportunities. She has helped me grow in my practice as a teacher, literacy, and now an assistant principal. Enid is devoted to the schools she works with and to building capacity at the schools as well. It is because of her that I became a Literacy Coach. She is invested in the children at schools and hands-down, provides the best professional development I've ever experienced, to-date.
I’d like to thank you for the amazing presentation about shared reading in Kindergarten. I am a veteran teacher of over 20 years and it was uplifting and refreshing to see how important the basics are in creating a strong foundation for reading. I like the way you broke your model lesson down into small steps that were explicit and easy to follow. Most of all, you made the learning fun and engaging for both the students and staff. The follow up after the model lesson gave us the opportunity to reflect and incorporate what we learned into our own teaching. I look forward to your next enriching presentation!
Enid Martinez is an exceptional literacy staff developer. Her deep content knowledge in literacy, innovative and organic professional study model, and superior people skills make her an amazing colleague with whom to learn and work. It has been my honor and pleasure to call Enid my mentor!
Enid began working with our primary teachers at 15th Street School in February of 2015. She has been very instrumental in helping our teachers understand the purpose of teaching
reading, explaining, “Reading is about message-getting and problem-solving.” Enid always grounds our understanding in what teaching reading is all about. She nudges us to think deeper about integrating strategic actions with our reading work. There is nothing more important than putting data at the core of our work, knowing our students’ strengths and planning next steps; Enid has taught our teachers how to analyze running records and use data to plan whole group and small group instruction to better meet our students’ needs. As a result of Enid’s coaching, our teachers have developed a deeper understanding of how to plan their instruction around reader’s workshop, shared reading, and interactive read aloud to support our readers. Enid’s innovative and organic professional study model is second to none. Her PD model engages teachers in studying guided reading running record data, formulating conjectures to identify an area of study, taking teachers through the planning process, delivering a demonstration lesson and debriefing with teachers, having teachers practice their learning with a small group of students, and providing teachers with immediate actionable feedback. We have found it to be a powerful PD model to engage teachers in thinking, learning, practicing, and reflecting. “So, what are you going to try in your classroom?” is a standard invitation Enid makes at the conclusion of every PD session. Teachers embrace the learning opportunities with Enid. It requires a balance of art and
science when it comes to coaching. Enid has great people skills and develops rapport with teachers to make them feel comfortable and safe in building their practices. I have witnessed Enid change teachers’ thinking and move their hearts to become a better educator. She always inspires us to raise the bar of our teaching and think deeper about the purpose of our work. “When is Enid coming back to work with us?” is a statement that I hear often from teachers which speaks volumes about Enid as a staff developer, a coach, and a colleague! Enid, indeed, is an integral part of our success in becoming a California Gold Ribbon School and Title I Academic
Achievement School in 2016. Thank you, Enid!
As early elementary school educators, we stress the importance of ensuring that our students have a solid foundation. Before we can accomplish that, we as teachers, also need to be taught and supported in learning how to go about achieving that. With that being said, Enid Martinez instilled that foundation in me, as my Teachers College Staff Developer in the beginning years of my career. She has taught me best practices I can use in my classroom in reading and in writing to help the development of my students. Enid emphasized the importance to meet students where they are and continue to develop their growth. She supported me on various was to assess and analyze student work to better support their needs. This was especially helpful in a class full of English language learners. She modeled and coached me on research based strategies that I can use to build oral language, strategy based small groups, as well as guided reading. I learned through Enid, the power of what explicit instruction can achieve in a class. All I can do is thank Enid for the solid foundation which she has fostered in me. With her coaching, mentoring, and guidance throughout the years, I have been able to do the same for other teachers that I now support as a Reading Coach myself!
Enid’s work with our teachers and literacy leaders in Fairfield reawakens the joy and purpose of teaching early literacy. Her love for literacy and engagement with each and every teacher and student she works with inspires risk-taking and promotes active learning. Best of all, Enid’s work is grounded solidly in developing reading, writing, and language processes based on the strengths and next steps for students. Ms. Martinez bridges the development of reading, writing and language skills in all learners as she anchors planning and instruction in authentic student work – running records, writing samples, and transcripts of authentic student oral language to identify student strengths and next steps. Enid’s sessions with our K-2 teachers and English Learners starts with the analysis of meaningful student work including running records, authentic writing, and transcripts of oral language. She then guides teachers through planning based on Fountas and Pinnell’s 12-strategic actions. By modeling in classrooms, then coaching teachers through trying out the strategies and methods, teachers leave the PD empowered and ready to start applying new learning immediately. Her work with teachers sparks collaboration and coaching between her visits to our schools and helps to create a culture of active planning with students at the center of the work.